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Math for Fashion Designers 200

Measurements Demystified


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Fractions & Decimals

Don't allow previous confusion about fractions frustrate your creativity any longer! 

We should have done this a long time ago!

Ai is all fine and good, but at some special time and place, you will need to know how to read a ruler and apply correct length units.

This course fast-tracks your understanding and application so that you will have more success in patternmaking, sewing and measurements for almost anything.


This is a 3-week course that meets once a week for three hours. It is an in-person class that shows the student how to understand and apply measurements in patternmaking and sewing.

Students learn by executing abbreviated projects that have the same theory as regular classes.

You'll use the following supplies and tools:

Proportional L-square

C-thru ruler

Tape measure


Compass & Protractor

Kraft sheets

pencil, sharpener and eraser


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Don't miss this opportunity to better understand the math behind fashion design and to develop a new appreciation for geometry, trigonometry and algebra.

 Classes are small to help ensure that each student gets one-on-one attention.

In-person class

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